Source code for pororo.tasks.speech_synthesis

"""Speech Synthesis related modeling class"""

from typing import Optional, Tuple

from numpy import ndarray

from pororo.tasks import (

[docs]class PororoTtsFactory(PororoFactoryBase): """ Synthesis text to speech using trained model Output audio's sample rate is 22050 Multi (`tacotron`) - dataset: TBU - metric: TBU Args: text (str): text for speech synthesis lang (str): text's language Ex) how are you?: en, 안녕하세요.: ko speaker (str): designate a speaker such as ko, en, zh etc.. (default: lang) Returns: ndarray: waveform of speech signal Examples: >>> import IPython >>> from IPython.display import Audio >>> model = Pororo(task="tts", lang="multi") >>> # Typical TTS >>> wave = model("how are you?", lang="en") >>> IPython.display.display(IPython.display.Audio(data=wave, rate=22050)) >>> # Voice Style Transfer >>> model = Pororo(task="tts", lang="multi") >>> wave = model("저는 미국 사람이에요.", lang="ko", speaker="en") >>> IPython.display.display(IPython.display.Audio(data=wave, rate=22050)) >>> # Code-Switching >>> wave = model("저는 미국 사람이에요.", lang="ko", speaker="en-15,ko") >>> IPython.display.Audio(data=wave, rate=22050) Notes: Currently 11 languages supports. Supported Languages: English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Jejueo, Dutch, German, Spanish, French, Russian, Finnish This task can designate a speaker such as ko, en, zh etc. """ def __init__( self, task: str, lang: str = "multi", model: Optional[str] = None, ): super().__init__(task, lang, model)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_available_langs(): return ["multi"]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_available_models(): return { "multi": ["tacotron"], }
[docs] def load(self, device: str): """ Load user-selected task-specific model Args: device (str): device information Returns: object: User-selected task-specific model """ if self.config.n_model == "tacotron": from pororo.models.tts.synthesizer import ( MultilingualSpeechSynthesizer, ) from pororo.models.tts.utils.numerical_pinyin_converter import ( convert_from_numerical_pinyin, ) from pororo.models.tts.utils.text import jejueo_romanize, romanize tacotron_path = download_or_load("misc/tacotron2", self.config.lang) english_vocoder_path = download_or_load( "misc/hifigan_en", self.config.lang, ) korean_vocoder_path = download_or_load( "misc/hifigan_ko", self.config.lang, ) english_vocoder_config = download_or_load( "misc/hifigan_en_config.json", self.config.lang, ) korean_vocoder_config = download_or_load( "misc/hifigan_ko_config.json", self.config.lang, ) wavernn_path = download_or_load( "misc/wavernn.pyt", self.config.lang, ) synthesizer = MultilingualSpeechSynthesizer( tacotron_path, english_vocoder_path, english_vocoder_config, korean_vocoder_path, korean_vocoder_config, wavernn_path, device, self.config.lang, ) return PororoTTS( synthesizer, device, romanize, jejueo_romanize, convert_from_numerical_pinyin, self.config, )
[docs]class PororoTTS(PororoSimpleBase): def __init__( self, synthesizer, device, romanize, jejueo_romanize, convert_from_numerical_pinyin, config, ): super().__init__(config) self._synthesizer = synthesizer self.g2p_ja = None self.g2p_zh = None self.lang_dict = { "en": "en", "ko": "ko", "ja": "jp", "de": "de", "nl": "nl", "ru": "ru", "es": "es", "fr": "fr", "zh": "zh", "fi": "fi", "je": "je", } self.device = device self.romanize = romanize self.jejueo_romanize = jejueo_romanize self.convert_from_numerical_pinyin = convert_from_numerical_pinyin def _load_g2p_ja(self): """Load g2p module for Japanese""" self.g2p_ja = PororoG2pFactory( task="g2p", model="g2p.ja", lang="ja", ).load(self.device) def _load_g2p_zh(self): """Load g2p module for Chinese""" self.g2p_zh = PororoG2pFactory( task="g2p", model="g2p.zh", lang="zh", ).load(self.device) def _preprocess( self, text: str, lang: str = "en", speaker: str = "en", ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Pre-process text for TTS format Args: text (str): text for tts lang (str): text language speaker (speaker): designation of speaker Returns: str: pre-processed text """ if lang == "ko": text = self.romanize(text) elif lang == "ja": if self.g2p_ja is None: self._load_g2p_ja() text = self.g2p_ja(text) elif lang == "zh": if self.g2p_zh is None: self._load_g2p_zh() text = self.g2p_zh(text).replace(" ", " ") text = self.convert_from_numerical_pinyin(text) elif lang == "je": text = self.jejueo_romanize(text) return f"{text}|00-{self.lang_dict[lang]}|{speaker}", speaker
[docs] def predict(self, text: str, speaker: str) -> ndarray: """ Conduct speech synthesis on given text Args: text (str): text for tts speaker (speaker): designation of speaker Returns: ndarray: waveform of speech signal """ return self._synthesizer.predict(text, speaker)
def __call__(self, text: str, lang: str = "en", speaker: str = None): if speaker is None: speaker = lang speaker = self.lang_dict[speaker] text, speaker = self._preprocess(text, lang, speaker) return self.predict(text, speaker)