Source code for pororo.tasks.pos_tagging

"""Part-Of-Speech Tagging related modeling class"""

import os
import re
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from pororo.tasks.utils.base import PororoFactoryBase, PororoSimpleBase

[docs]class PororoPosFactory(PororoFactoryBase): """ Conduct Part-of-Speech tagging Korean (`mecab-ko`) - dataset: N/A - metric: N/A japanese (`mecab-ipadic`) - dataset: N/A - metric: N/A English (`nltk`) - dataset: N/A - metric: N/A Chinese (`jieba`) - dataset: N/A - metric: N/A Args: sent (str): input sentence to be tagged Returns: List[Tuple[str, str]]: list of token and its corresponding pos tag tuple Examples: >>> pos = Pororo(task="pos", lang="ko") >>> pos("안녕하세요. 제 이름은 카터입니다.") [('안녕', 'NNG'), ('하', 'XSV'), ('시', 'EP'), ('어요', 'EF'), ('.', 'SF'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('저', 'NP'), ('의', 'JKG'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('이름', 'NNG'), ('은', 'JX'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('카터', 'NNP'), ('이', 'VCP'), ('ᄇ니다', 'EF'), ('.', 'SF')] >>> pos = Pororo("pos", lang="ja") >>> pos("日本語でペラペラではないです") [('日本語', '名詞'), ('で', '助詞'), ('ペラペラ', '副詞'), ('で', '助動詞'), ('は', '助詞'), ('ない', '助動詞'), ('です', '助動詞')] >>> pos = Pororo("pos", lang="en") >>> pos("The striped bats are hanging, on their feet for best.") [('The', 'DT'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('striped', 'JJ'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('bats', 'NNS'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('are', 'VBP'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('hanging', 'VBG'), (',', ','), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('on', 'IN'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('their', 'PRP$'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('feet', 'NNS'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('for', 'IN'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('best', 'JJS'), ('.', '.')] >>> pos = Pororo("pos", lang="zh") >>> pos("乒乓球拍卖完了") [('乒乓球', 'n'), ('拍卖', 'v'), ('完', 'v'), ('了', 'ul')] """ def __init__(self, task: str, lang: str, model: Optional[str]): super().__init__(task, lang, model)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_available_langs(): return ["en", "ko", "ja", "zh"]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_available_models(): return { "en": ["nltk"], "ko": ["mecab-ko"], "ja": ["mecab-ipadic"], "zh": ["jieba"], }
[docs] def load(self, device: str): """ Load user-selected task-specific model Args: device (str): device information Returns: object: User-selected task-specific model """ if self.config.n_model == "nltk": import nltk try:"tokenizers/punkt") except LookupError:"punkt") try:"taggers/averaged_perceptron_tagger") except LookupError:"averaged_perceptron_tagger") return PororoNLTKPosTagger(nltk, self.config) if self.config.n_model == "mecab-ko": try: import mecab except ModuleNotFoundError as error: raise error.__class__( "Please install python-mecab-ko with: `pip install python-mecab-ko`" ) model = mecab.MeCab() return PororoMecabPos(model, self.config) if self.config.n_model == "mecab-ipadic": try: import fugashi except ModuleNotFoundError as error: raise error.__class__( "Please install fugashi with: `pip install fugashi`") try: import ipadic except ModuleNotFoundError as error: raise error.__class__( "Please install ipadic with: `pip install ipadic`") dic_dir = ipadic.DICDIR mecabrc = os.path.join(dic_dir, "mecabrc") mecab_option = "-d {} -r {} ".format( dic_dir, mecabrc, ) model = fugashi.GenericTagger(mecab_option) return PororoMecabJap(model, self.config) if self.config.n_model == "jieba": try: import jieba # noqa except ModuleNotFoundError as error: raise error.__class__( "Please install jieba with: `pip install jieba`") import jieba.posseg as jieba_pos model = jieba_pos return PororoJieba(model, self.config)
[docs]class PororoMecabPos(PororoSimpleBase): def __init__(self, model, config): super().__init__(config) self._model = model def _postprocess(self, unit: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Examples: >>> parse('나\tNP,*,F,나,*,*,*,*') 나/NP >>> parse('산다\tVV+EC,*,F,산다,Inflect,VV,EC,사/VV/*+ᆫ다/EC/*') 사/VV+ᆫ다/EC >>> parse("', '\tSC,*,*,*,*,*,*,*") ,/SC """ # Should split line with tap since comma is frequently used in input sentence morph = unit[0] features = unit[1] pos = features.pos analysis = features.expression if analysis and ("+" in analysis): if "*" in analysis: token = [ morph.rsplit("/", 1)[0] for morph in analysis.split("+") ] token = [(t.split("/")[0], t.split("/")[1]) for t in token] else: analysis = (analysis.replace("+/", "[PLUS]/").replace( "+", "[SEP]").replace("[PLUS]", "+")) token = [(pair.split("/")[0], pair.split("/")[1]) for pair in analysis.split("[SEP]")] else: token = (morph, pos) return morph, token
[docs] def stringfy(self, result: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> str: res_str = "" for pair in result: if pair[1] == "SPACE": res_str = res_str[:-1] res_str += " " else: res_str += f"{pair[0]}/{pair[1]}+" return res_str[:-1]
[docs] def predict( self, sent: str, **kwargs, ) -> Union[Tuple[str, str], str]: """ Conduct Part-of-Speech tagging using mecab-ko Args: sent (str): input sentence to be tagged return_surface (bool): whether to return surface return_string (bool): whether to return value as a string Returns: List[Tuple[str, str]]: list of token and its corresponding pos tag tuple """ return_surface = kwargs.get("return_surface", False) return_string = kwargs.get("return_string", False) sent = sent.strip() sent_ptr = 0 results = [] if return_surface: analyzed = self._model.pos(sent) else: analyzed = self._model.parse(sent) for unit in analyzed: if not return_surface: morph, token = self._postprocess(unit) else: token = unit morph = unit[0] if sent[sent_ptr] == " ": # Move sent pointer to whitespace token to reserve whitespace # cf. to prevent double white-space, we move pointer to next eojeol while sent[sent_ptr] == " ": sent_ptr += 1 results.append((" ", "SPACE")) if isinstance(token, tuple): results.append(token) elif isinstance(token, list): results.extend(token) sent_ptr += len(morph) if return_string: return self.stringfy(results) return results
[docs]class PororoMecabJap(PororoSimpleBase): def __init__(self, model, config): super().__init__(config) self._model = model
[docs] def predict(self, sent: str, **kwargs): """ Conduct Part-of-Speech tagging using mecab and ipadic modules Args: sent (str): input sentence to be tagged Returns: List[Tuple[str, str]]: list of token and its corresponding pos tag tuple """ mecab_output = self._model.parse(sent) pairs = list() for line in mecab_output.split("\n"): if line == "EOS": break token, tag = line.split("\t") tags = tag.split(",") pairs.append((token, tags[0])) return pairs
[docs]class PororoJieba(PororoSimpleBase): def __init__(self, model, config): super().__init__(config) self._model = model
[docs] def predict(self, sent: str, **kwargs): """ Conduct Part-of-Speech tagging using jieba modules Args: sent (str): input sentence to be tagged Returns: List[Tuple[str, str]]: list of token and its corresponding pos tag tuple """ jieba_output = self._model.cut(sent) return [(word.word, word.flag) for word in list(jieba_output)]
[docs]class PororoNLTKPosTagger(PororoSimpleBase): def __init__(self, model, config): super().__init__(config) self._model = model def _clean(self, sent: str): """ Cleanse input sentence Args: sent (str): input sentence to be cleansed Returns: str: cleansed output sentence """ sent = sent.strip() sent = re.sub("\s", " ", sent) sent = re.sub(" +", " ", sent) return sent def _align(self, sent: str, tokens: List[Tuple[str, str]]): """ Align sentence with tagged token pairs Args: sent (str): original input sentence tokens (List[Tuple[str, str]]): list of token and pos tag pair tuple Returns: List[Tuple[str, str]]: list of aligned token and pos tag pair tuple Examples: >>> sent = The striped bats are hanging, on their feet for best. >>> tokens = [('The', 'DT'), ('striped', 'JJ'), ('bats', 'NNS'), ('are', 'VBP'), ('hanging', 'VBG'), (',', ','), ('on', 'IN'), ('their', 'PRP$'), ('feet', 'NNS'), ('for', 'IN'), ('best', 'JJS'), ('.', '.')] >>> align(sent, tokens) [('The', 'DT'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('striped', 'JJ'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('bats', 'NNS'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('are', 'VBP'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('hanging', 'VBG'), (',', ','), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('on', 'IN'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('their', 'PRP$'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('feet', 'NNS'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('for', 'IN'), (' ', 'SPACE'), ('best', 'JJS'), ('.', '.')] """ result = list() while True: token = tokens.pop(0) word = token[0] # correct strange behaviors of nltk `word_tokenize` # if (word in ("``", "''")) and (sent[0] == '"'): word = '"' token = ('"', '"') if (word == "...") and (sent[0] == "…"): # ellipsis word = "…" token = ("…", "…") if sent.startswith(f"{word} "): sent = sent[len(f"{word} "):] result.append(token) result.append((" ", "SPACE")) elif sent.startswith(word): sent = sent[len(word):] result.append(token) else: raise ValueError(f"CANNOT align the {token} to {sent}") if not tokens: break return result
[docs] def predict(self, sent: str, **kwargs): """ Conduct Part-of-Speech tagging using NLTK modules Args: sent (str): input sentence to be tagged Returns: List[Tuple[str, str]]: list of token and its corresponding pos tag tuple """ words = self._model.word_tokenize(self._clean(sent)) pos_tags = self._model.pos_tag(words) return self._align(sent, pos_tags)