Source code for pororo.tasks.automatic_speech_recognition

"""Automatic Speech Recognition related modeling class"""

import logging
import os
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

from pororo.tasks.utils.base import PororoFactoryBase, PororoSimpleBase
from pororo.tasks.utils.download_utils import download_or_load

[docs]class PororoAsrFactory(PororoFactoryBase): """ Recognized speech sentence using trained model. Currently English, Korean and Chinese supports. English (`wav2vec.en`) - dataset: LibriSpeech - metric: WER (clean: 1.9 / other: 4.3) Korean (`wav2vec.ko`) - dataset: KsponSpeech - metric: CER (clean: 4.9 / other: 5.4) Chinese (`wav2vec.zh`) - dataset: AISHELL-1 - metric: CER (6.9) Args: audio_path (str): audio path for asr (Supports WAV, FLAC, MP3, and PCM format) top_db (int): the threshold (in decibels) below reference to consider as silence vad (bool): flag indication whether to use voice activity detection or not, If it is False, it is split into dB criteria and then speech recognition is made. Applies only when audio length is more than 50 seconds. batch_size (int): inference batch size Returns: dict: result of speech recognition Examples: >>> asr = Pororo(task='asr', lang='ko') >>> asr('korean_speech.wav') { 'audio': 'example.wav', 'duration': '0:00:03.297250', 'results': [ { 'speech_section': '0:00:00 ~ 0:00:03', 'length_ms': 3300.0, speech': '이 책은 살 만한 가치가 없어' } ] } >>> asr = Pororo(task='asr', lang='en') >>> asr('english_speech.wav') { 'audio': 'english_speech.flac', 'duration': '0:00:12.195000', 'results': [ { 'speech_section': '0:00:00 ~ 0:00:12', 'length_ms': 12200.0, 'speech': 'WELL TOO IF HE LIKE LOVE WOULD FILCH OUR HOARD WITH PLEASURE TO OURSELVES SLUICING OUR VEIN AND VIGOUR TO PERPETUATE THE STRAIN OF LIFE BY SPILTH OF LIFE WITHIN US STORED' } ] } """ def __init__(self, task: str, lang: str, model: Optional[str]): super().__init__(task, lang, model)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_available_langs(): return ["en", "ko", "zh"]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_available_models(): return { "en": ["wav2vec.en"], "ko": ["wav2vec.ko"], "zh": ["wav2vec.zh"], }
[docs] def load(self, device: str): """ Load user-selected task-specific model Args: device (str): device information Returns: object: User-selected task-specific model """ if self.config.lang not in self.get_available_langs(): raise ValueError( f"Unsupported Language : {self.config.lang}", 'Support Languages : ["ko", "en", "zh"]', ) from pororo.models.wav2vec2.recognizer import BrainWav2Vec2Recognizer model_path = download_or_load( f"misc/{self.config.n_model}.pt", self.config.lang, ) dict_path = download_or_load( f"misc/{self.config.lang}.ltr.txt", self.config.lang, ) vad_model_path = download_or_load( "misc/", lang="multi", ) try: import librosa # noqa logging.getLogger("librosa").setLevel(logging.WARN) except ModuleNotFoundError as error: raise error.__class__( "Please install librosa with: `pip install librosa`") from pororo.models.vad import VoiceActivityDetection vad_model = VoiceActivityDetection( model_path=vad_model_path, device=device, ) model = BrainWav2Vec2Recognizer( model_path=model_path, dict_path=dict_path, vad_model=vad_model, device=device, lang=self.config.lang, ) return PororoASR(model, self.config)
[docs]class PororoASR(PororoSimpleBase): def __init__(self, model, config): super().__init__(config) self._model = model self.SAMPLE_RATE = 16000 self.MAX_VALUE = 32767 def _preprocess_audio(self, audio_path: str): try: import librosa except ImportError: raise ImportError("Please install librosa: pip install librosa") try: # Using the pydub because the speed of the resample is the fastest. from pydub import AudioSegment except ImportError: raise ImportError("Please install pydub: pip install pydub") audio_extension = audio_path.split('.')[-1].lower() assert audio_extension in ( 'wav', 'mp3', 'flac', 'pcm'), f"Unsupported format: {audio_extension}" if audio_extension == 'pcm': signal = np.memmap( audio_path, dtype='h', mode='r', ).astype('float32') else: sample_rate = librosa.get_samplerate(audio_path) signal = AudioSegment.from_file( audio_path, format=audio_extension, frame_rate=sample_rate, ) if sample_rate != self.SAMPLE_RATE: signal = signal.set_frame_rate(frame_rate=self.SAMPLE_RATE) channel_sounds = signal.split_to_mono() signal = np.array( [s.get_array_of_samples() for s in channel_sounds])[0] return signal / self.MAX_VALUE
[docs] def predict( self, audio_path: str, **kwargs, ) -> dict: """ Conduct speech recognition for audio in a given path Args: audio_path (str): the wav file path top_db (int): the threshold (in decibels) below reference to consider as silence (default: 48) batch_size (int): inference batch size (default: 1) vad (bool): flag indication whether to use voice activity detection or not, If it is False, it is split into dB criteria and then speech recognition is made. Applies only when audio length is more than 50 seconds. Returns: dict: result of speech recognition """ top_db = kwargs.get("top_db", 48) batch_size = kwargs.get("batch_size", 1) vad = kwargs.get("batch_size", False) signal = self._preprocess_audio(audio_path) return self._model.predict( audio_path=audio_path, signal=signal, top_db=top_db, vad=vad, batch_size=batch_size, )